Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Christmas & Church

So, we aren't doing church this Christmas. It falls on a Sunday and we feel it is important that families and friends spend time celebrating together without having to add one more activity to an already crazy day. It seems like Jesus gets forgotten in the business. Some have taken great joy in telling me that we have this in common with some of the mega-churches. Yeah.

One thing I have noticed is how some of us who follow Jesus may be in danger of worshiping church. I have no problem with people wanting to do church on Christmas Sunday. I am concerned about the motivation of some. When people talk like this is their one great opportunity to let Jesus shine, I get concerned. When someone says, "even if just me and my wife show up,... we are doing church". Why? What are you proving, and to whom are you proving it? Yourself?

One pastor said he had to set an example of good Christianity to his kids and family. What about the rest of the year. Shouldn't this be an everyday thing. Maybe the example to set is that your family is important. Let them know that you see how much they sacrifice all year to "the church" and this day is theirs. Your kids get you to themselves. Hmmm, maybe a recipe for less bitter PK's.....

Anyway, whether you do church this Christmas or not, have an awesome celebration of Jesus.



Sunday, December 4, 2005

The Question

Is what we are doing here on this earth to make disciples worthy of Christ's death? Those of us who profess to believe that Jesus' death was significant, need to ask our selves this question; Is your dedication to Christ worthy of His death.

I hate to say it, but I think many of us relegate our "ministry" to our 'spare" time, of which we have little. Therefore we do very little that furthers the Kingdom of God. God loved us enough to send Jesus to die for us. Do we love Him enough to sacrifice more than our spare time for? Do we love Him enough to sacrifice our leisure time, status, ambition for? If not the world is right, our faith is irrelevant.

Dying for your faith is easy, living for it is the hard part.
