Tuesday, January 30, 2007

CNN, What a Sorry State

Last night I was in the gym for a few hours. Monster Gym has these new flat screens up everywhere, showing sporting events and news. Guess what the hot topic on CNN was last night? Apparently, some media types have said that Tyra Banks is gaining weight!.... after some mock "fat" photos appeared on the internet. Every time I looked up at a screen, there was Tyra, very upset that some people say she has put on a few pounds. They had photo montages, interviews, and Tyra looking very hurt.

Is this what we have come to? The major news network in the US is covering a story that at best, is a gossip mag story. With all the real "hurt" in the world, this is what we focus on? There is hunger, war, domestic violence, sexual predators, etc. There are good stories, about people doing great things, like, helping other people, inventing things, curing diseases, etc. You know real hero stuff. BUT, millions of people are sitting around the world glued to the tube, wondering if poor Tyra is going to make it through this terrible ordeal.

No wonder the rest of the world thinks North Americans are self-centered, small minded, morons. It's just a thought, I'll have to wait for Oprah's take on the whole mess....



Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Emerging Church

Here is a great article called The Five Streams of the Emerging Church. Scot McKnight does a great job of explaining the what and why of the Emerging church. He also has a few warnings for the EC. Please pass it on.



The Revolution...

Jesus did not come just to be in relationship. He came to bring revolution. read the stories. Jesus was about upsetting the status quo. His mission was to change the economy,... to an economy of love. He challenged our wisdom, our generosity, our love for God and each other. He called us to a hard mission. To love God and the world. God, in his wisdom, spells it out for us throughout scripture. He says things like, "If you have two of something and someone has none, give them one", 'Feed the poor", "think of others as better than you", "if someone slaps you in the face, let them do it again", "love your enemies".... Furthermore, he says that if you don't do these things, He doesn't know you.

We have domesticated Jesus and His gospel. We have made Christianity to be about getting what you want when you want it, the warm fuzzies, mushy love. Our energy is spent on worship styles, leadership styles, church size and programs. Jesus was about binding up the broken hearted and setting captives free. What a difference in focus.

If we are to represent the Christ of the Bible, then we need to become radical. We too, need to be revolutionary. We need to take the cues from our leader and live as He did. We love to talk. The world needs to see us live out the same Jesus they read about. Are we willing to live lives of obedience and sacrifice? Making the change starts with each individual. Corporate church will never mandate this kind of Christianity. The revolution continues, where all revolutions succeed,.... on the street.



Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Is Christ Enough

We have just come through Christmas. We have celebrated the birth of Christ, the amazing story of our Savior's birth.
We also know of how His life ends. The pain and suffering that He endured so that we could once again, be in relationship with our creator.
I have found myself wondering lately, why this is not enough. Why is it, that God's incredible demonstration of furious love and reckless mercy, is not enough for us.

In the past few weeks I have heard about friends who have walked away from God, because, "Christ was not enough". I have talked with people who don't believe in God because, bad things happen, etc.

Often we find ourselves in a place where we are not seeking Jesus, but rather we seek mystical experience, "happiness", nothing bad to happen, etc. We have come to a place where we think a "good" life, a life free from suffering is our right. We have come to expect God to perform on demand. Yet, we have not learned this from scripture.

We have stories in scripture of how Stephen suffered, how Paul, Peter and others were imprisoned, how they had to run from authorities, etc. We must learn to see God as sovereign again. This means we regain the sense that He is the creator of the world and all powerful. He sets the standard and the rules. God's existence does not depend on whether I get the warm fuzzies during worship, or, on me getting the things I think I deserve.

God, the creator of the universe demonstrated his love for us in a way that none of us would emulate. He allowed His son to be sacrificed for us,... in our place. That should be enough. We need to stop seeking a God we can understand or agree with.

As we go into this new year, Do we truly believe that God demonstrated His love through Jesus' sacrifice? Is that enough?
Are we grateful for His sacrifice, or do we demand extra goodies in exchange for our love?.... and devotion.
