Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sometimes the road is long

It seems the first line I write is, "It as been a long time...." 2009 continues to be a challenge. Lately I am struggling with how The OD is shaping up. It just seems that people enjoy what they get from community and think very little about what they contribute.

We have had several people "vote with their feet" in the past 6 months, without giving any indication as to what they are unhappy with. If people are invested in community, then you slug through issues together. You are family. It is confusing and hurtful when people who have been at the core of the group, just leave, without saying anything.

It seems that few people are willing to struggle. However, without the struggle, we are just another club.

If I were to be honest, I would have to admit that in many ways, we are becoming that which we left.



Thursday, April 9, 2009

Been Gone

It has been a while since I have posted. It is not that there was nothing going on, on the contrary, too much was going on. It has been a very heavy period this 2009. Dealing with the suffering and subsequent death of my Father-in-law, who was very much a Father to me, On Rock finances(always fun in an economic "downturn"), and keeping family going. I think I need a nap.

Yesterday my oldest daughter, Kiki(18), moved to London Ontario, to try out life in a different city. I think she is a little nomadic. Lot's of changes. Someone said 2009 was going to be a year of change, I am hoping the rest of the change this year is for the better. So far, it is not exactly promising.....



Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Conference

Some friends of mine are organizing a conference in Toronto on March 21. I am hoping to go. I went two years ago and it was a great day. Met a lot of cool people. You can check it out at the url below.

