Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thge Kingdom of God is at hand

What does that mean? What did Jesus mean when He said it? The Jewish people were looking for God's Kingdom to come. The Pharisees thought if they could just follow the law, God would bring his Kingdom. Sadduceess thought they just needed to play it cool and suck up to the Romans and wait patiently for God's Kingdom. Essenes thought being holy and separated would bring it, so they lived in the desert. The Zealots wanted to go to war and defeat the Romans and then God's Kingdom would come.

Into this story walks Jesus. The Jewish people are looking down the road, looking forward to the Kingdom of God coming and Jesus says, "It is at hand". That means, it is right here, you are in it! You are part of that story, or, are you? This story, if you really hear it makes a sobering statement. Look at your hand. God's Kingdom is that close, He is here. So, what are we doing to be a part of that story. How are we, you and me, advancing the Kingdom of God?

I would argue that most of us are wrapped up in the details and distractions of our own lives and we don't consider that we are part of the Kingdom of God. As part of that Kingdom, we have a responsibility to love and live Jesus in our communities every day. If the Kingdom of God is here, now, my life should not be about me. It should be about Loving God and the world with all that I am, in my everyday routines.

Can I do that? Can I sustain an effort to put others above "me" and do what is right and honoring to my creator?

I am not sure, but I do sense the urgency of Jesus' words.
