Friday, April 23, 2004

Guilty by association

It is refreshing in a twisted sort of way when you see things that get attributed to Christians, happening in the "real" world. Syl was talking to a Teacher today from Kirstyn's school. The teacher informed her that Kiki was going to fail science(she has an 86 average in the course). Her primary reason was,... she doesn't like the way Kiki dresses. That is supposed to be why people don't come to church, they get judged on appearance and stuff.

Then I was told by the vice-principal that Kiki was a good kid, but she hangs out with "at risk" kids. Surprise! So do her parents(not referring to everyone..).

Kiki has never shied away from "at risk" people, she has grown up with them. She befriends them, she brings them home when they run away. She cares deeply for her friends.

So now she finds herself judged by her appearance and her friends.... and not by the church..... interesting. Kiki is also on the honor roll, but that goes unnoticed.

I can't wait til they see me at parent teacher meeting.....

I guess the church is going to have to work harder at finding unique ways of alienating people. ;)



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