Friday, May 14, 2004

What is the proper response

Looking at the news, especially in the last week or so has been very depressing. I read about the Americans in Iraq and the beheading of an American and I don't know what to think. What is the proper response of a Christ follower? I find myself torn.

I think that the American invasion of Iraq may have been initiated for the wrong reasons, but that it was the right thing to do. Saddam was systematically killing his own people. I feel bad for Bush because he's damned if he moves and he's damned if he doesn't. I feel bad for the American soldiers who have been put in a situation that has become more political than it should be.

Decisions are no longer made on the basis of what needs to be done, but on how will it look. Sometimes, I think the best solution would be to turn off the cameras, boot the reporters out and do the job.

I feel bad for the Iraqi prisoners who are being abused because of the desperation American soldiers feel at being abandoned to do a job they weren't cut out for.

I just plain feel bad about this whole situation. I pray that God would have mercy on all parties. I know that God is grieved by the way His kids treat each other. We do crazy, unspeakable things when we are in crisis and not trusting God.



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