Wednesday, July 7, 2004

How to do Friendship Evangelism......

I got this from a new friend. What do you think?

How to do Friendship Evangelism.

First... befriend someone with the goal to influence them with your personal agenda.

Second, remember that you are not equals. You know Jesus, they do not. Make sure the friendship is one-way... if not you'll be unequally yoked. This is complex. If you do not appear to be a close friend then you will not receive friendship from them. If they do not see you as a friend, you are not doing friendship evangelism. You are doing, stranger evangelism. Everyone knows that stranger evangelism is not real evangelism. If you are too much their friend, they will influence you with their worldliness and you are on the slippery slope to the bowels of hell.

Third, spend time with them, proportionate to the amount of time you spend with your family, other "real friends" and your job. The formula goes like this.
NF is for Nuclear Family. God want's you to spend more time with your family, because he loves them the most. Of course theologically God loves everyone equally,( but we all know the truth.)
RF - is for Real Friends. these are the people who are equals. They are your true peers. You watch football together. You hang. You shop together, but only if you are female. These friends help minister to your Lost friends.
LF is for Lost Friends. They don't know Jesus and are going to hell. They are your friends too, but not really.
The Friendship evangelism formula is:
4 parts NF, 3 parts RF, 2 parts job and 1 part LF
so for every 2 hours you spend at work God wants you to spend 4 hours with your family and 1 hour with a lost friend. Got it?

Fourth, and this is key. in every conversation think through your personal agenda for them. Looking for the opportunity to make your point at the right time. probably a time when they are needy.

this is what friendship evangelism is.

Satire aside:
we need to get rid of evangelism as we know it. Toss it out.
and we need to either redefine friendship and what it means or we need to redefine integrity.



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