Wednesday, November 26, 2008
It's sad.....
It is sad that Mark feels the need to tear down this work and tell people to avoid it because he doesn't get it. Mark at times has some really good things to say. I wish he could do what he does, without attacking others.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Who are we and what are we doing?
He talked about the need for a reformation in the church. I beleive it is already happening, whether the church wants to accept it or not. We are a part of that reformation, but we have by no means "arrived".
I was however amazed and disappointed at the same time at how those who follow Jesus, downplay some of the very clear directives and warnings Jesus gives us in order to stay comfortable.
I am still working this through and probably will be for a long time.
I went out for a beer with Greg afterward. He is much more optimistic about the chances of the present church reforming than I am. He feels God's call to educate the present church and has been focusing energy there. I applaud him. My feeling at the moment is that as 30 and unders leave the church, they will be the ones to start new works that relect better, what God's heart really is for our world. I could be wrong....
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
At times thankless
It is okay that people come and go, but it is discouraging when they leave and talk trash. A friend told us the other night about someone they met who was once a part of our community, who said some fairly slanderous things about my wife and I. The unfortunate thing is that these things are also being shared with a friend who is trying to figure this whole faith thing out, and was a part of our community. It sucks when a fellow follower discourages someone who is searching.
What we heard last night borders on tragic. It takes discipline to give this stuff to God and move on. It sucks, especially when none of the concerns are ever brought to you.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
My Ecological Footprint....

Just got smaller. Yesterday I purchased a 2007 Yaris. I have driven Vans and muscle cars for most of my life, but I just can't stomach giving $400-$500 a month to gas companies. I drive alone most of the time, so the van, although a need for the food bank, is a waste the rest of the week. So as of today, It will be used on Mondays for the food bank and other deliveries or pick ups. Every other day, I will be driving my little blue Yaris hatchback. Honk and wave......
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
God moves and we get to be a part of it
I have had a few pretty cool conversations in the past few weeks with people exploring faith. A friend of Kiki’s came over to talk this week. She has considered herself an athiest up until recently when she went through some stuff that basically made it clear to her that she was not in control of her life. Her mom gave her a cross that belonged to her Grandmother and she says whenever she wears it, she feels an inexplicable peace. So, she is trying to figure out how Jesus fits into her life. She was at monday night bible study and loved it.
A friend of Petr’s says she wanted to meet me because Petr has talked with her about our community. She is very open spiritually and says she has dreams. She started hanging out with Petr, because she sensed something different in him. She also came out to bible study on monday and says she will be back.
It is amazing that God brings these people along to our community and we get to live out Jesus with them. As I look back, this is how God has always moved among us. He touches lives and then uses us to help reveal His love. I don’t claim to understand it, but there is a long list of people God has privileged us to rub elbows with.
Please pray for these two girls, as God moves in them.
Friday, June 13, 2008
This is how we roll...
This is what a church planters meeting looks like. That is just how we roll. The boys from Kingston and Jared came in to Montreal for a day of meetings. It was the best meeting day I have ever been to. We ate, we drank, we went swimming. We actually had part of our meeting in the pool.
It was an amazing day of sharing our hearts and reconnecting. I just wish I had a picture of Al, the Pirate Pastor. God is doing some cool things in our little part of the Kingdom. I am blessed to be walking with these guys. K
Thursday, June 5, 2008
A Strange One
I am finding that I need to spend more time talking with God. I need solitude, meditation and prayer, just so I can keep my head on straight. This is turning out to be quite a challenge in my family, ministry, community life. However, I just have to make it happen.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Integrity and life
This happens all the time in conversation. Vulgarity leading to more vulgarity. Discouraging rather than encouraging. You see, we speak of grace and cling to God's grace for us, but do we extend that grace to others. The same can be said for compassion, forgiveness, etc.
My friend pointed out that this is especially disappointing when the other person is supposed to be a leader and behaves in ways that do not show Christ. I think this is why Paul said, do not aspire to be a leader for the responsibility is greater as well.
The bottom line is, many are longing for an example to follow. What kind of example am I? What kind of example are you?
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Dig a Hole
Syl is coming back from Edmonton tonight. She was visiting our "oldest daughter", Lenny. I am sure they had more fun than I did digging the stupid hole...... Yeah for Macallan Cask Strength. It will be good to have my wife back.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I am praying...
Thursday, May 22, 2008
God's Grace
So, I met this week with the person who was the subject of my “Question of Grace” post. It was a good and hard conversation. People do crazy things for a lot of messed up reasons. Most times they are wounded and in need of love, discipline, healing, compassion, etc. We talked for quite a while.
In the end, it was obvious that God was already laying groundwork for our conversation. The cocaine dealing career is over. The actively seeking God and figuring out how to walk with Him has begun. Friends will be key. He is not out of the woods yet, so pray for him. He was only dealing for a short time, but that world is a dark place. But, God is faithful.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
A Question of Grace?
Here is a very real problem we are dealing with. There is someone who has returned to our community after being gone for a year or two. This person was a Vault kid and professed to begin a relationship with Jesus. In the time that this person has been gone they started dealing cocaine. this is confirmed information, so now I have to figure out how to deal with it. What limitations do I set? How hard should I be on this person? How hard and fast? What would Jesus do? Seriously. I know what "I" want to do with it.....
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
What We See
I have had a few conversations in the past week that I have found somewhat disturbed and questioning what we see in each other. We seem to be much more gifted at finding what is wrong with people than we are at finding what is right with them. As a matter of fact we are willing to discount the good as fraudulent due to the “bad” that we see. This seems pretty much the opposite of the example Jesus gives us. He seemed to choose to see the good in people rater than the faults. You don’t even have to look past His disciples to see this. As flawed as they were, He used them to change the world.
We have a choice. We can choose to see what God is doing in people, or we can focus on the areas that need work. Maybe we feel better knowing someone else sucks(worse than us…), maybe we feel we need to assist the Holy Spirit(because you know how weak he/she is….). Whatever it is, I think many of us need to make a shift. The question is not what is wrong with someone, the question is what is God doing in their life and can we celebrate and how can we encourage that? Can we trust the Spirit and the Father to continue the work that He started in others?
As recovering assholes, we are need to recognize that we are predisposed to criticism, rather than encouragement and distrust rather than trust. The challenge is to make the change and walk as Jesus did.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Rough Week
Dealing with people issues isn't always fun, less so when your sick. I have found myself fantasizing about the demise of certain individuals. Not very spiritual I know, but, I opted today to spend time praying for them instead. This really works. It is hard to think ill of people you are asking God to work in and bless. Forgiveness is a crisis of the will, I have to keep reminding myself of that.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Frag You
I know I am not alone, other people I know trying to do good things have the same type of experience going on. Why do we hate to see others do well?
The trick I guess is not to be distracted by what morons do, but to stay focused on the mission and He who called us to it. It still pisses me off.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
NC week
Golf was crazy. One day was beautiful, the next, hurricane winds. We were the only people on the course. The club staff thought we were nuts, in hind site I would have to concur.
Watched the Duke, UNC game in a bar on Saturday night. What a zoo. The rivalry is alive and well. Karl and I were the only two there without representing colors. It was an experience. They take their college basketball seriously.
Met a band in a pub down in Raleigh. The lead guitar player was a church planter,.... don't ask, I just have a way of finding these people. We had a good time talking. He left his last church plant because it turned into "church". I suggested that he try planting a community. We are keeping in touch. Good times. He plays Reverend guitars through Matchless amp and cab. Sweet sound.
Check out my buddy's blog. Pretty trippy.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Larry Norman dies
Larry through his example, gave many of us permission to follow Jesus and be ourselves. He was an incredible lyricist. Penning amazing songs like, I wish we'd all been ready, Outlaw and UFO. He left his Rock,n,roll career at it's height to sing about Jesus and the world He came to save.
He had a heart for the broken and the poor, that I believe is the heart of God. Larry left an indelible mark on many lives. I thank God for how He used Larry in my life, to encourage and convict. He will be missed. I pray for his family and friends in their time of mourning.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Witch hunts
There are people dying of starvation, some right in the USA and Canada, there is homelessness, there is genocide taking place somewhere in the world today, and we are focused on a baseball player's use of HGH.
When it is all said and done, I wonder what a difference that money could have made in a poor neighborhood?....
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Discipline is a hard word
Discipline is more about life style change than anything else. The results from desired changes in our lives take time, and we only get to see the results after we have committed to the process.
My daughter, Kayla and I have been going to the gym three times a week for the past month. I have actually been doing this for 3 years. We have determined to watch our food consumption and follow a program in order to get in shape. In the past month, with some food choice changes and the work out, I have lost about 15 pounds. However, the food choice changes have been hard, because, I have to make choices every meal. When Montana's is one of your favorite hot spots, that is difficult. Choosing salad over chicken wings is a struggle, but, it pays off in the end.
The same can be said for my discipline with spending time with God. Doing it once is not going to cut it. If I only spoke to my wife once a week for 10 minutes, we would not be married. No relationship can last that way. If we are going to say that we follow Jesus, then we need to spend time with Him and in His word, so that we know what he is up to. many of us say we don't have time to read The Book. However, we have time to watch House, CSI, or never ending reruns of Seinfeld. We have time to shop, see movies and friends, etc. So for most of us, time with God is not a time issue, it is a discipline issue.
As I am becoming more disciplined, I am confronted with my spiritual discipline. I guess that is where I need to focus some time now. I need to practice being still, and hanging out with God, learning to listen better. I hate the thought of discipline,.... but I quite enjoy the results. Unfortunately, the one has to come before the other.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
I am back!
The Open Door is doing well. We have had some subtractions and some additions. Overall, our community is at an encouraging place.
I plan to be posting once or twice a week, we will see how that goes. Anyways, it is nice to be back.