Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I am back!

Hey! It has been over a year since my blog was last up and running. It as been a trying year, but God is good. Joe (my father in law) is still struggling with cancer. We have moved (across the street and 2 doors down). Moving 150 feet is just as much work as moving 200 miles. I hate moving. But the house is bigger and suits our community needs much better, besides, now we have a pool,... and less grass to mow.

The Open Door is doing well. We have had some subtractions and some additions. Overall, our community is at an encouraging place.

I plan to be posting once or twice a week, we will see how that goes. Anyways, it is nice to be back.



Anonymous said...

Welcome back to teh internets! :-)

Anonymous said...

teh internets is a series of tubes....