Thursday, July 7, 2005

Wesley, wise old coot

I was reading some Wesley yesterday and was once again blown away by his simple wisdom. Wes, was big on holy living, faith, social justice, etc. Yesterday I was reading one of his sermons, this guy used to go for 2-3 hours, he was reminding us that the only way we can truly live faithful and holy lives is to realize that Love comes before and after all things. The only way I can "not" be selfish is if I am in love with God and His creation. We don't feed the poor because we "have" to, we do it because God first loved us, all of us.

This is basically what 1 Corinthians says, if I don't have love, I have nothing. So many of us strive to behave holy, as an act of the will. We try so hard. Wes reminds us to focus on loving God, and if we can do that, the rest will follow.

The two greatest commandments, if you can live by those, the rest is details.
