Tuesday, March 11, 2008

NC week

Well, I am back from my week in North Carolina. Went with my friend Karl. Hung out with Rocky, Leah and there kids, Olivia and Madison. Tons of fun. Did some golfing and sampling the local fare, such as BBQ, ribs, hush puppies and Waffle House,... what a freak show that was. I have an incredible respect for US micro-breweries.

Golf was crazy. One day was beautiful, the next, hurricane winds. We were the only people on the course. The club staff thought we were nuts, in hind site I would have to concur.

Watched the Duke, UNC game in a bar on Saturday night. What a zoo. The rivalry is alive and well. Karl and I were the only two there without representing colors. It was an experience. They take their college basketball seriously.

Met a band in a pub down in Raleigh. The lead guitar player was a church planter,.... don't ask, I just have a way of finding these people. We had a good time talking. He left his last church plant because it turned into "church". I suggested that he try planting a community. We are keeping in touch. Good times. He plays Reverend guitars through Matchless amp and cab. Sweet sound.

Check out my buddy's blog. Pretty trippy. http://awesomeinternetsite.com
