Thursday, June 17, 2004

Second Chances

I was reminded this week of a time when I totally blew my "testimony". God called me when I was 18 to go work in the Eastern Townships with retarded adults. This was confirmed by a few other respected sources at the time. I was supposed to be a light to those I lived with. Instead, I proceeded to party my face off. Within 5 months, god "removed" me. I got fired. I spent the next couple of months getting my head straight. About 3 months later, I bumped into one of my party buddies, at a Christian camp. I asked her what she was doing there. She proceeded to tell me that most of my party friends had gone to a rally and decided to follow Jesus. That hit me like a ton of bricks. These people I partied with were ripe for the harvest and I totally ignored it because of my own selfishness. God, in His mercy put the touch on them anyways.

I am so thankful that God is a God of second chances. he did not write me off because I was a bad representative. He disciplined me, loved me and put me back on the front lines. The "enemy" would have us believe that when we blow it, it is over. Our integrity is finished we are useless. This is just not true. That is not the God that I serve. He is far more forgiving than I am. I have to learn to forgive myself the way He forgives me. Unconditionally, without condemnation. A hard road...

Romans 8:1



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