Tuesday, June 8, 2004

Words & Action

I have been struck this week by how brainwashed we are about evangelism. Remember the saying, "actions speak louder than words"? Apparently the church hasn't picked up on that little tidbit yet. We haven't really picked up on Jesus' example either, because He was much more into action than words.

His actions were that of love, compassion, and kindness. He almost always blessed people before talking about who He was.

In conversations I have had this past week it seems there is still a large group of us who would rather focus on condemning peoples sin and demanding they live like followers of God, even though they aren't "followers". Why do we feel that practicing condemnation is pleasing God? We say we "love the sinner, but hate the sin". really? Most times it looks to me like we pretty much hate the whole package. Often, in an effort to "take a stand", we do not exemplify the "good news".

I think we need to go back to the life of Jesus and really take a look at how He interacted with people. If we are truly trying to be like Jesus, we need to spend more energy on speaking and acting out the GOOD NEWS, and less time taking stands on issues and condemning people groups for their behaviour.



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