Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A New Thing

So, we have started a new program to serve our community. It is simple and can be done anywhere there are hungry people. We have hooked up with a local elementary school and will be providing lunches for 25 kids that come to school without a lunch because their family can't afford it.

Don and I went and met with the principal to find out if this was a need and if he would like our help. He was thrilled that we would care and be willing to help.

Every Monday, we will make 50 lunches for Monday & Tuesday. On Wednesday we will make 75, for the rest of the week. This is a simple project with immediate impact on the poor in our community. Several people have already started donating food and cash toward the project. As I said earlier, this can be done anywhere.

Some of these families may become a part of our regular food distribution on Mondays. This is a simple way of being incarnational in our community.



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