Wednesday, February 1, 2006

What a weekend.......

It was an awesome weekend. Mark Scandrette, Adam and Dan came up from San Fran to hang out with us and a few other churches like us. David Brazzeal from Curieux was amazing to put this whole thing together. Mark is involved in the Emergent.US "thing". He and his friends, are striving to live like Jesus in their neighborhoods. They came up to Montreal to hang out and share some of their experience and gifting with us and to learn what is going on here.

It was a great time of encouragement. We had a house party on Saturday night where some of our community came to meet and talk with "Mark and the Funky Bunch"(Adam & Dan). Dave Brazzeal(the guy with the cape) and some of his crew came too. It was an evening of sharing stories, experience, food and wine. There is nothing so fun as blessing and being blessed by friends.

I hope that we can continue to grow these connections. Sometimes it is nice to know that you aren't alone,... even if you are crazy....

I have been encouraged and challenged.



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