Sunday, March 12, 2006

Church Culture

Many in the "emergent" or "postmodern" church genre have a problem. It is this, that they are constantly looking back for approval and affirmation from those they left. You can read it in the many blogs and message boards that populate the canvas of postmodernity. I have grown tired of people posting links about what the modernist church is up to and being angry or unsettled because they do what they do. The other dead horse that gets flogged is the "anti-emergent" blogs, etc. Who cares. The reason we left that genre is that they didn't connect with us. Why would you expect them to change? Who even says they should? They are still reaching people I am not reaching. How does it change what I do?

I think people who genuinely seek to do church differently should just focus on what God has called them to do. Live optimistically, in the call that God has given you. Stop looking, to see who's watching or what they think.

The disciples once approached Jesus about some people who were preaching about Him, but doing it differently than the disciples were doing it,.... Jesus told them to let it go. He said that even if they were doing it with false motives, at least His name was being preached. An interesting response don't you agree?

If we are to make an impact in the world it will be through loving others and God with all that we are, not by pointing out the flaws of others.

The only approval you need in the end, is that of the Father. Worry about what He thinks.



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