Thursday, June 3, 2004


Last night Frank and I went to Jerry Mercer's wedding reception. it was held at Pete's Smoke Meat. It was a good time. The music was awesome, it is fun to watch musicians who love what they do. Jerry played with The Buzz Band and they were amazing as usual.

I almost didn't go. I was tired, I injured my foot yesterday, etc. Syl kind of pushed me to go. I figured there would be alot of people there, Jerry would be surrounded with people who wanted to talk, etc. When Jerry saw me, his whole face lit up, he threw his arms around me for a big hug. He told me more than once what it meant to him that I showed up.

I had no clue that he would be so happy, encouraged, blessed that I would show up. Sometimes we under-estimate what our presence, kindness, encouragement can mean to other people. I am glad we went.



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