Thursday, November 25, 2004

Can't see the Forest....

The OD is about to be 1 year old. That's right. We have been "doing" church for 1 year. We started with 27 people. Lately we are in the mid 50's every week. One week we hit 73. We have seen over 100 people come through our door. We have eaten together 52 times. We have done 28 street runs, feeding approximately 2800 people. We have worshiped together 52 crazy times. We have had four weddings. We have been a community of followers, seeking to figure out how to walk this walk. It has been an amazing year.

I was telling Jared today that we do this thing, and to us it is just, what we do. I am often amazed when I talk to others outside the community about The OD, how blown away they are by what we do. To us it is "normal". However, it is good to get outside sometimes and see that God truly is doing something cool with us. When you break it down, and look at the parts, it is pretty awesome. It really is like riding with the top down.

I can't wait to see what He does in year 2.



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