Friday, November 5, 2004

Swallowing hard

I am a fighter by nature. I don't give in easily. I strive to find what is right and live by it. This week I have been forced on several occasions to swallow my pride and let go of what is "right". It is a struggle for me to not fight back when lies are being spread. When slanted stories are being told. I am not so good at turning the other cheek. It doesn't "feel" right to me to let injustice go untouched. Yet, I find myself in this position, asking myself how shall I respond as a recipient of Grace. How did Jesus and the apostles respond to injustice and unfair treatment? They took it on the chin and focused on the BIG picture. I gotta tell you, it sucks.

Jesus said there would be days like these. So did paul and almost everyone else in The Book. God, give me faith and courage to do what is right in your eyes, not my own.



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