Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Questions & Answers

A lady visiting church this past Sunday asked a question at the end of our discussion. It had nothing to do with anything we were talking about, but, she wanted to know what we thought about baptism. She had a baby in her lap and kind of motioned to the baby after she asked the question. I asked for clarification on what she wanted to know and she commented that only one of her two babies was baptized and what did we think about baptism.

I knew right away that she had a Catholic background, so, I answered her question, she thanked me and that was that. Good story eh.

After our gathering was over one of our core people asked me why I didn't answer her question. I stated that I did. This lead to a discussion later about how we need to answer questions as we deal with people who are searching for answers. You see, my friend felt that it was a good opportunity to explain immersion as well and that the lady may be confused at a later date because I didn't give her the "whole answer".

I believe this is why many people are afraid to ask a question. When a child asks what color yellow is, you don't sit them down and explain the color spectrum and light to them. You just simply answer their question. We need to appreciate peoples search and trust the Holy Spirit to be at work in their lives. Jesus often asked questions that he had no intention of answering. His parables were confusing to most, and that was the goal. We need to get away from seeing a persons question as "a window of opportunity" to throw up everything we know and think we know about Jesus, and just answer the question.



Life is a journey, if we keep looking to the end, we're going to miss what's going on now.

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