Monday, January 31, 2005

This is the day

This is the day, that God created, did He not? He is our amazing creator. If we could remember in our day to day lives that God is the creator, and loves us to the point of death, our overall outlook on this day would be different. We would look at people who piss us off differently. We may find that they don't piss us off at all, because we see them differently. How I deal with my wife and kids is different when I remember that this is the day God created.

When I remember that God created today and that He is the foundation for all that is, my priorities are different. My outlook on everything is different. I live in a state of gratefulness, rather than thinking I "have rights". It is a privilege to walk God's earth, to be a part of His creation and know He cares about me.

Can I not share that care with those around me. He who is forgiven much,.....



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