Tuesday, March 23, 2004

No Excuse

I was out for lunch yesterday with my buddy J-money from Kingston. We got to talking about how "dark" Quebec is spiritually. He was asking me to describe what "we" mean by that because in his travels, he hears alot of people describe their area as really dark, etc. The bottom line is that many people use this as an excuse for "not" doing effective ministry.

I shared with him what I mean when I say it is dark here, but that this was in no way an excuse for ineffective ministry or feet dragging. I see it as part of the challenge in following Jesus. I do not know where we got the idea that this should be an easy road, because , all I see in scripture is how the disciples, got their butts kicked. It makes no sense that we expect kudos for doing what we are called to.

If we are living Jesus, it is supposed to be hard. He said "they hate me, they are going to hate you". Let's rise to the occasion. Ministry is hard in Quebec. It is dark. So, let's shine the light, live in Hope, that he who started the work will be faithful to complete it. Remember, we are not alone...



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