Friday, March 19, 2004

What are we called to?

I have been participating on a few message boards where, "how do we do church and respond to the culture?" type questions get asked and kicked around. I am amazed and concerned at times that there is a trend out there that says God is Love, and we forget His other attributes. He is also Holy, Just, The Only God, etc.

I bring this up because someone on one of these boards, and she is not alone, can't bring herself to tell a friend that their sinful behaviour is "sin". You see, she wants to focus on the "love" verses, and not the "go and sin no more" verses.

Are we presenting an accurate picture of who God is? We aren't called to "make Christians", but we are called to "make Disciples". In doing so we need to be honest and unapologetic about the fact that God hates sin and it keeps us apart. We also need to be loving and compassionate in doing so. Let's not throw the baby out with the bath water. The heart of Christ and the message of Christ.



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