Friday, March 26, 2004

Redeeming isn't just for coupons

How are we, the church, a redeeming people. A better question might be, are we a redeeming people. As I read papers, and message boards, I realize that we are more apt to make judgements than be redemptive.

The pharisees saw an adulterous woman, Jesus saw a wounded soul in need of a saviour. What or who do we see, when we look at a fellow creation. Do we see a person created by God for relationship with God, or do we see a geek, bum, homosexual, terrorist, slut, and/or immigrant.

It is hard work being different and thinking different. The Book says to hold every thought captive. Basically, to train our minds to think like God. God's heart, even in discipline is redemptive. Therefore we need to be a people of reconciliation and redemption.

How's that working for you?



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