Wednesday, May 5, 2004

Despise your life

Alright,Think about this, If you love your life, you will lose it. This is more than where your treasure is.... We are being given a very clear heads up, as to how God expects us to approach our lives.

Jesus once told someone who wanted to go bury their mother to "let the dead bury the dead". Do we understand this concept? Our lives, the things we hold dear, the people we hold dear, are not to be held above God. If God calls us to do something, we are to be obedient to that call. Our time is His time first, the same for our resources.

We do not really understand sacrifice. We think a few hours a week, serving the church or community is a big sacrifice.

We have been called to "make disciples". Are we willing to do what it takes to make disciples? Are we willing to "let the dead bury the dead"?

This is more than, "it isn't about you". This is, "it is totally about God". It is not your/my life, our lives are His, and if they aren't, we are dead.

We want Peace, Joy and Victory, this is how we gain it, by dying to ourselves.



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