Tuesday, March 29, 2005

It is over....

Easter is over and so is the month that is "birthday month" in my house. Kayla, Kirstyn and then Syl all celebrate in March. I can hear the sucking sound of $$$ leaving my wallet. We had a great party for Syl on Saturday, which included a coffin filled with beverages and ice. It was very funny. Syl liked it. Lots of people dropped in to show their love for Syl,... good times.

On another note, I have been thinking this week about how we live our lives in sound bytes and "film clips". This has been in regard to how we speak about each other. When we make negative comments about each other in the presence of others we help to paint a picture of that person. If someone hears enough of these sound bytes(and often one is enough), they develop an impression of who that person is. That impression is always false because it is two dimensional. Whatever the criticism is, it is not the sum of who that person.

Proverbs likens this kind of criticism and gossip to putting a hatchet in the victims back, which amounts to murdering them. We are also encouraged to bless and not curse others. It amazes me sometimes that we can be so double minded, asking for grace and mercy from God and not extending it to others. Kind of like that guy in the parable who is forgiven a huge debt, only to go out and be merciless to a guy who owed him change.

We often believe the sound bytes we hear on TV, let's pay more attention to the ones we produce.



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